Turn the Unexpected into a Learning Opportunity 2

Throughout time with our students, just as with throughout life in general, we will regularly be faced with the unexpected.

However, if we approach this with an open mind, really it can be celebrated as another opportunity for learning.

I began to explore this here.

I had here one more example.

Today, I was to use the projector to show a video to students. However, we encountered some technical issues with the equipment.

Thinking quickly, I stayed calm and informed student’s that the projector wasn’t working. I asked if this was a problem and was able to elicit that indeed, no it wasn’t. We could use my Laptop. If doing so, we would need to look at a smaller screen, but is this an issue? I was able to explain that even if it was a little less convenient, we would be OK.

We had had their a social and emotional learning opportunity in being calm and flexible even if things don’t go according to plan. We can stay relaxed and positive and find another way.

Indeed, I remember a time with a previous class, when we had been planning to watch ‘The Lion King’ on Children’s Day, but the movie was unable to load. In this case, we were able to find something else to do – spend some time playing outdoors, and then watching a shorter movie, and discussed at the end that it had been no big problem to worry about.

So remember, if unexpected issues arise with a planned activity, we can remain calm and positive – we can find an alternative. We can discuss the importance of this with students, but also model it in our own behaviour.


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